How to Self Assign - ADVANCED
HOW TO Self Assign by Division
- Select a Start Date.
- Select a Sport & Level (Division) Range that you want to view (for Adult Games, select all the "Adult League" divisions for this step).
- Click Search.
- Click Site and select the field where the games are to see the entire set of games.
- Click Assign [Go] if you want this set of games.
- Note: these same steps apply for Self Assigning for Adult Games.
HOW TO Self Assign by Field
- Select the Start Date.
- Go to Site and select the field you want to view games.
- Below there is a list of the fields we serve and their Age Divisions. This is the best way to make sure you are changing fields for Saturday & Sunday games and throughout the season.
- Click Assign [Go] if you want this game and field.