Kicks from the Penalty Mark
Kicks from the Penalty Mark are used to determine which team advances.
When making this determination, remember to:
Should the game remain in a tie, we go to Kicks from the Penalty Mark:
Determining the Winner:
Provide instructions to ARs:
Recording Goals Scored:
When making this determination, remember to:
- Review the Law and Procedure.
- Make absolutely sure you know the procedure for kicks from the penalty mark.
- Make sure you know the Procedure with regard to feinting.
Should the game remain in a tie, we go to Kicks from the Penalty Mark:
- Players are to remain on the field, ARs to collect numbers of players on the bench or on the field.
- Remind coaches that only players are permitted on the field. You do not need a list of the players or the order they are going to take the kicks. The referee that is managing the players will take care of this.
- Recommendation: Do not allow spectators behind the goals or within 18 yards of the goal line.
Determining the Winner:
- Best of 5 kicks taken.
- If still tied after 5 kicks by both teams, sudden victory.
- After all the players from each have taken a kick, the kicking order resets and may be taken in any order.
Provide instructions to ARs:
- Make sure your ARs know their responsibilities.
- Decide who is going to manage the players and who is going to be on the goal line.
- Make sure you communicate what you want them to do if there is an infringement.
- Know who is going to record the goals. The Referee and the AR on the goal line must record goals, this way the referee can confirm the score with the AR between kicks.
Recording Goals Scored:
- Make two columns and put the number of the player that is kicking. Then, circle if they make it and line out if they do not. If a player is successful taking a kick, point up the field to the center circle (Guide to Procedure – same for any goal scored. Whistle is not required.)
- Coin flip to determine which goal to use. (Unless there is an obvious goal, ask the home team to call the flip).
- Coin flip to decide who kicks first. (Ask the visiting team to call the flip).
- U12 and under games if there is no penalty mark, step off 10 yards.
- U13 and above the penalty mark is 12 yards.
Law 10 - Kicks from the Penalty Mark (Infraction Table)
If you have knockout round games (Qtr, Semi or Finals) print out a copy and place in your wallet. This is based on the IFAB Law 14 - Penalty Kick Summary Chart.